Paper Format and Templates
MS Word:    AAS_templatev1_2.doc Updated 01/14/2008
LaTeX: Updated 01/14/2008
The AAS conferences publish bound sets of printed proceedings for personal, institutional, and library usage. To preserve consistency in the final printed proceedings, all authors adhere to the AAS conference proceedings format. Papers that do not generally conform to the conference proceedings format are omitted from the final proceedings unless a waiver is recommended from your session chair and accepted by the technical editors and conference chairmen.
Members of the Space Flight Mechanics Committee and the AIAA Technical Committee have drafted the above electronic templates for MSWord and LaTex users. We recommend that you refer to and use these templates  to accurately submit your conference paper.
Due to the volume of papers projected for this meeting, the Technical Chairmen are not anticipating the granting of waivers for papers longer than the publisher's limit. If your manuscript requires more than twenty (20) physical pages, we request that you cleanly divide your work into two papers and present the second paper at a later AAS conference.