Call For Papers

Lodging at Conference Site

Abstract and Manuscript Submission

Paper Format Instructions

Cover Page Template

Conference Program 1-19-06

Online Conference Registration

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16th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting
Tampa, Florida

The 2006 Space Flight Mechanics Conference, hosted by the American Astronautical Society (AAS) and cosponsored by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) will be held January 22-26, 2006. The conference will be held at the Westin Innisbruck Golf Resort in Tampa Florida. The conference is organized by the AAS Space Flight Mechanics Committee and the AIAA Astrodynamics Technical Committee.

Abstract and Manuscript Submissions

Abstracts are to be submitted through a web based abstract submittal system. Using the web based system, authors will submit their abstract, author information and preprint before the conference. Authors will also use this site to submit their final manuscript after the conference. The abstract submittal system can be accessed by clicking on Abstract and Manuscript Submission. If you have problems submitting an abstract or have questions about how to use the abstract site please contact one of the technical chairmen listed below.

Registration Fees

The registration fees for the conference are:

  • Members: $460
  • Non-members: $545 (includes AAS membership)
  • Students: $160
The hard bound proceedings will cost $190.

Online Conference Registration

Attendees to the conference are encouraged to utilize a new online registration system. The system is located at Registration System. Registering online will provide several benefits. You will avoid the lines at the registration table. You will have free access to most if not all of the preprints. Prepackaged handouts with name tags will be available for people who register online. Registering online will also reduce the workload on the conference organizers.

The online registration system is programmed to accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express credit cards.

Conference Chairmen

AAS General Chair

Dr. Paul W. Schumacher, Jr.
Air Force Research Laboratory, Detachment 15
Space Surveillance Systems Branch, Code DESM
535 Lipoa Parkway, Suite 200
Kihei, HI 96753
808-879-5077, ext. 250

AIAA General Chair

Dr. Jose J. Guzman
Mission Design, Guidance and Control Group
The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Mail Stop: MP3 W-135
11100 Johns Hopkins Rd.
Laurel, MD 20723-6099
240-228-0241 (voice)
240-228-0355 (fax)

AAS Technical Chair

Dr. S. Rao Vadali
Stewart & Stevenson Professor
Texas A&M University
3141 TAMU
Department of Aerospace Engineering
College Station, TX 77843-3141
(979) 845-3918 (voice)
(979) 845-6051 (fax)

AIAA Technical Chair

Dr. L. Alberto Cangahuala
Deputy Manager, Guidance, Navigation and Control
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
MS 198-326
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109-8099
818-354-3606 (voice)
818-393-4440 (fax)