SPEAKERS BRIEFING: Authors who are presenting papers, panelists, and session chairs will meet for a short briefing each morning from 07:30 - 08:00 a.m. in Danny Thompson Room. Please attend only on the day of your session. A continental breakfast will be provided.

PRESENTATIONS: Each paper will be allotted 25 minutes (including introduction and question and answer period). Please note that a "no paper-no podium" rule will be strictly enforced for all presentations. An author will not be permitted to give his or her paper if a written paper has not been prepared and made available at the conference. Also, papers will be automatically withdrawn from the meeting and will not be eligible for inclusion in the proceedings if one of the stated authors is not in attendance to present the paper.

PAPER SALES: Authors have been requested to bring 50 copies of their paper to the meeting. These reprints will be on sale for $1 per paper in the Governor's Room. Bound copies of the proceedings may be ordered at the registration desk.

COMMITTEE MEETINGS: Committee meetings will be held in the Danny Thompson Room from 11:30 AM - 01:00 PM according to the following schedule:

AIAA Astrodynamics TC Meeting
AAS Spaceflight Mechanics TC Meeting
Astrodynamics Committee on Standards
Monday, August 4
Tuesday, August 5
Wednesday, August 6
Please address questions or comments on Technical Program to one of the Technical Chairs:

Dr. Felix Hoots
AAS Technical Chair
GRC International, Inc.
985 Space Center Drive, Suite 310
Colorado Springs, CO 80915
719/596-5395 Voice
719/596-6139 FAX
Mr. Bernard Kaufman
AIAA Technical Chair
Code 8110.2
Naval Research Laboratory
Washington, DC 20375-5000
202/767-0513 Voice
202/404-7516 Fax