AAS 95-405

LAMDA: A Software Tool for Lunar-Assist Escape Missions

C. R. Cassell, University of California, San Diego, CA, P. A. Penzo, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA


The LAMDA (Lunar-Assist Mission Design and Analysis) Program is being developed at JPL as part of a study to characterize multiple lunar swingby (MLS) trajectories resulting in escape to small body or planetary objectives. To improve performance relative to direct trajectories we consider up to three lunar swingbys, as well as a solar-perturbed loop which reshapes the trajectory to positive effect. Addressing the full problem, LAMDA integrates an existing JPL program which performs targeting and optimization for asteroid, comet, and planetary missions with code we have written to model the MLS portion. Program structure and initial results will be presented.