AAS 95-392

Standardization and Preparation of Flexible Body Data In Multibody Formulations

O. Wallrapp, Pachhochschule, Muenchen, Germany


The formulation of the flexible multibody dynamics using large overall motions accompanied by small deformations is state of the art. Applying the nonlinear kinematics and dynamics for the overall motion and the linearized modal representation including geometric stiffness terms for the deformations, the equations of motion of a body are derived and a set of required input data - standard input data (SID) - are defined. The SID captures all of the data of a flexible body in an object oriented structure and allows the exchange of models between various MBS codes. The SID may be prepared from results of simple beams or plates analysis or from results of a finite element pre-computation. For the latter, the evaluation of the SID is done outside of the FEM code using FEM results and matrix multiplication only. The procedure is demonstrated by an example.