AAS 95-323

Operational Use of Swingby-an Interactive Trajectory Design and Maneuver Planning Tool - for Mission to the Moon and Beyond

J. Carrico, D. Conway and D. Ginn, Computer Sciences Corporation, Lanham-Seabrook, MD, D. C. Folta and K. V. Richon, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration/Goddard Space Flight Center Flight Dynamics Division (FDD) has used the PC-based program Swingby to support missions to the Moon and the interior Sun-Earth/Moon Lagrange point. Swingby facilitates rapid turnaround of mission support products; for example, the Flight Dynamics Facility used Swingby to deliver more than 55 maneuver plans during the first 8 days of the Clementine mission. This productivity is a result of the rapid graphical and numeric feedback Swingby provides to mission analysis. This paper describes the use of the Swingby system for missions to the Moon and Sun-Earth/Moon Lagrange points.